Guide to Betting on Soccer (Football)

Soccer (Football)Football is governed by the laws of causality – the principles of cause and effect. At a basic level these physical rules determine that, if a ball is kicked with enough force and accuracy it will move on a set path towards a target.

It would be an ideal world if every prediction was this straight forward; unfortunately, a full game of football is infinitely more complex and beautiful. The result you`re hoping for is dependent on many factors: the weather, the quality of each sides defence, the fans, the confidence of key players, what time of day the match is being played and so on.

With all these variables to consider you would be forgiven for thinking that football is impossible to predict, that it is just a series of randomly occurring events in the chaos of the physical world; you`d be wrong.

It is actually possible to accurately predict the outcome of matches by using the principles of Physics, Maths, Biology, Sociology and Psychology to untangle this mess and create a theory out of the chaos.

Patterns begin to emerge that are impossible to notice, unless you have a lot of spare time on your hands, as well as enough computer power to run every league on Football Manager simultaneously.

The main key to success is breaking down the process

One factor of a typical analysis might include the effect of Wayne Rooney on a potential outcome. It is possible to study: how he performed against his opposition previously, how he`d performed at this stage in previous seasons etc. It is also possible to take into account how well he performs: in certain stadia, in front of certain fans and in certain weather conditions. Even studying his private life can provide a key insight into how well he is likely to perform.

Although it is impossible to offer an equation that predicts the correct result every time, it has been proven that a detailed analysis like the kind just described can greatly increase the chances of predicting the likelihood of an event. Some studies indicate a near 700% increase in profitability. Stop following your heart and start following science.

Free football betting tips are a rare and valuable commodity in the world of online gambling. All evidence seems to suggest that we might have arrived at a punters paradise – Imagine watching the beautiful game all day long and making a tidy little profit on the side.

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